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Tuesday 11 February 2014

Ghost static site generation with Buster

Buster is a static site generator for Ghost, made by Akshit Khurana. In this short tutorial we will go through the steps on how to install and use Buster. We've installed Buster on Mac but things should be similar for Linux and Windows since the installation and usage is done with the command line. If you don't already have a very basic understanding of the command line, we recommend reading "Getting to know the command line" first.

Why a static site generator?

  • Static files can be deployed to any regular server. You don't need a Node.js server and a remote installation of Ghost.
  • It's fast. Depending on the host, static HTML files can be served faster than a Node.js app.
  • It's secure. There is no remote admin or config file. All your settings are restricted to the local environment.
  • You can use it as a backup solution for your Ghost blog.


Install pip

Buster is written in Python. To install Buster, you will need pip, a Python package manager. Here is the official install guide:
You can check if your system has pip installed by running this command:
$ pip --version

Install Homebrew

Buster requires wget, which can be installed through Homebrew, a package manager for Mac. Here is the official install guide:
You can check if your system has Homebrew installed by running this command:
$ brew --version

Install Buster

When you have pip and Homebrew installed, you are ready to install Buster.
$ pip install buster
$ brew install wget
That's it. If there are no errors, the installation has succeeded.
To make sure, you can run the version command:
$ buster --version


First you'll need to setup Buster:
$ buster setup
Buster will ask you to "Enter the Github repository URL:". You will need to have an empty GitHub repo at hand. Enter the url (change username to your username and repo to your repo name):
Now you can generate the static files:
$ buster generate --domain=
If you are using a different domain or port for Ghost, you should alter the command.
With the preview command you can preview the generated output in the browser.
$ buster preview
The last step is to deploy the static files to the GitHub repo:
$ buster deploy 